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Japanische Tee

Cha (Green tea)

Cha was originally produced in the temperate, tropical regions of Southeast Asia. The Japanese word cha has the same derivation as, for example, the English word "tea" and the French word "th�. In the same way as the British people make black tea part of their daily lives, in Japan too cha is indispensable in people's lives. A long-standing Japanese custom is to have "refreshment time" at three in the afternoon to partake of sweets and cha. Meanwhile, however, the tea ceremony, for which the tea is quite different from the cha used daily and which improves one's character by taking in the spirit ofZen, was developed in the Azuchi-Momoyama Period(1573-1603) and is widely practiced still today. As made evident by that Buddhist priests originally used Japanese cha for medicinal purposes, it is known to include a lot of vitamins and is considered to be very good for the health.

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