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Amazing Japanese Precision

What is the reason for Japanese group behavior?

The basic unit of society in the Japanese mind lies in ie, which literally means “house,” but also implies other groups that bind people together such as families, companies, schools, and religious sects. Although the feudal family system andapprenticeship no longer exist, emphasis tends to be placed on groups more than individuals, unlike in the West. Many companies have lifetime employment systems, and thehereditary system still remains in many traditional art forms such as tea ceremony and flower arrangement. In such a society, a strong sense of belonging to groups is basically required, and in many cases their members identify themselves with the organization. To some foreigners, there might seem to be a lack of independent behavior and sense of individualresponsibility. However, if the group functions well, the identity of the members increases, and so it can be said that the Japanese have a good balance between focus on the individual and on the group.

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