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Nihonto, Katana (Japanese swords)

Nihonto are swords tempered with a peculiarly Japanese method, and early on they became known overseas for their superior sharpness and beauty. Their main feature is that it is single-edged and slightly curved. At the bass of the hilt, there is a metal piece called a sword guard which serves to ward off an opponent's katana and to protect the hands gripping the hilt. The katana, said to be the soul of the samurai, was regarded in the Edo Period(1603-1867) as a symbol of feudal society. In the Meiji Period(1868-1912), samurai were forced to give up their position, and katana were also prohibited. Subsequently, military officers wore them as symbols of rank. After the war, it was forbidden to possess them, except to appreciate them as art objects for their limpid purity and beauty .

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