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Japanese Traditional Wedding

Kekkonshiki(Wedding ceremonies)

Contemporary Japanese weddings are a mix of traditional and contemporary aspects and are carried out in a variety of ways.

There are the formal meeting with a view to marriage by which a go-between introduces the man and woman, and the betrothal presents, which are gifts of money and goods that the two families exchange as evidence that an engagement exists. There is also the exchanges of nuptial cups ritual during the marriage ceremony in which the bride and groom, using a set of three sake cups by turns, alternately drink sacred sake. These are traditional aspects. Holding the ceremony at a specialized wedding hall in accordance with Shinto, Buddhist or Christian rites and going on honeymoons are comparatively recent practices.

In kekkonshiki there are two essential elements; the ritual ceremony and the wedding reception. Large numbers of friends are invited to the wedding reception, which takes place in grand style at hotels.

Japanese Traditional Wedding

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